Thursday, December 4, 2014

Check, check...

Is this thing on?

Seriously. I'm surprised I still remembered my password. You think I'm kidding? Last night I put the chips in the fridge and the chip dip in the pantry, walked to my room and realized what I did. Don't worry, I quickly put the items in their correct homes. The chips and dip were saved. 

It's been so long since I posted last. I wish I had some colorful story and reason why time has stood still on here. All I can do is be honest. So here it goes...

Life happens. 

Time moves, even if you're not.

Change happens.

I would like to just say that I've written this post now three times. Each time a sentence gets deleted or rephrased or I just hit draft and close the window. 

I'm over seeing the numbers next to the draft section rack up. With that being said...

I'm back, baby.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Mmm, Pumpkin.

Say it with me "FALL FLAVORS!". But more importantly, Pumpkin flavors.

They are the ice to my cream, the Kanye to my Kim, the binge to my Netflix watching. If you can't tell I'm all for Pumpkin flavors. 

I even had a mini meltdown the other day when my Starbucks location temporarily ran out of PSL for the day. I quickly recovered and ordered something else, but this is my favorite time. Next to Christmas...which is a whole different story for another time.

Concentrate! Over the weekend I got to baking...I forgot how much it relaxes me. I put on a movie and got to baking. I had some zucchini left in the fridge that was asking to be used in something other than a side dish. So I listened, and I heard the canned pumpkin in the pantry with it's soft cry, "pick meeeeee, you like meeeee, I'm next to the soup cansss". I rounded up some pantry items and ran to the store for some last minute items. 

Two hours later. I had made Pumpkin Zucchini Bread as well as Pumpkin Pie. During the process my house smelled amazing, it still actually does! I just love baking! These recipes are very easy and the Pumpkin Pie recipe is actually attached right to the can of Pumpkin. Just in case you need to refer to it, you know while your hands are covered in flour, egg and pumpkin filling...and you don't want to touch your screen to your smartphone while figuring out how many TBSP you need next. Been there. Licking off the evidence as we speak. Say what?!

Just click the links and they will lead you right to the recipes. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

25 Things

Everyday I spend about 5 minutes scrolling through Us Weekly and People Magazine on my phone. To say I am obsessed with pop culture, entertainment and celebrities is an understatement. I have my favorite celebrities that I protect like they were my own blood, and then I have others that I don't agree with what they are doing. Yet I still protect them. The Kardashians? Back up and go home if you want to say something bad about them. I may be petite but I can take you. Buh-Bye.

I'm sure I just lost some readers. I don't care. Because this post isn't about them, it's inspired by them. Us Weekly has a weekly column where they feature a celebrity and 25 things you may not know about them. I love reading them. So this is my 25 things...

So who am I? Why am I doing this? Yes, I'm just a 20-something year old woman figuring out post grad life and not a celeb...but here we go:

1) My driver's license says I am 5'1". I'm actually 5'. I'm not quite sure where I lost that 1" but if you see it, return it. I need all the height I can take.

2) I am named after the Fleetwood Mac song, Rhiannon.

3) I was going to be named either Bianca, or Mariah. As unique as my name is and as often as it gets misspelled/mispronounced I am happy with my given name.

4) My Mom, Judith (she goes by Judy or Jude), named my sister, Jaclyn (she goes by Jackie) and my Dad, Robert (goes by Bob or Bobino) got to name me, Rhiannon. My Initials are RJC, before my sister got married in 2011 her initials were JRC. Are you following this "coincidence"? My mom named my sister a name with a J, her name starts with a J. My Dad named me and our names start with an R. If you ask my parents, they didn't plan this and they didn't plan to have our initials be the same but in a different order. Yeah, Ok.

5) My parents got divorced when I was just about to turn 4. I don't remember much of my parents together. My mom got remarried to my step dad, Tim when I was 7 years old.

6) I am very close to mom and my mom's mom, Gloria. When I was little I couldn't say "Grandma" so I called her "Pooka" for awhile. My sister started that.

7) My sister is my best friend. Although we are 10 years apart in age, we are very close.

8) I love playing board games. The Game of Life is my all time favorite.

9) Fraternal Twins run in my family, and it skips generations. My generation is the generation to have twins.

10) I am in love with my dog, Sophie Lil Mae Scarlett. If you ask me to choose her or you, well I would recommend not doing that because I will always pick her. If you met her, you'd understand. You know that saying "The more people I meet, the more I like my dog?" Yeah.

11) I prefer baking over cooking. I don't like the laid-back style of cooking, my dash and pinch could be different than yours and then the whole dish could be ruined. 

12) My favorite room in my house is my living room. I'm the most comfortable in my living room.

13) I have lived in the same house since I was born, 22 years ago.

14) I am petrified of going into attics. I do not like them and if you make me go in one, I apologize for the Anne Frank related comments that will be made. 

15) I never rode in a school bus to school at any point in my school career. My Mom and Stepdad both taught in the district I went to school in, which means I got to carpool with them every morning.

16) I do not know how to ride a bicycle. I will wait while you re-read that sentence because you are probably shocked, most are. I have no desire now to learn, just like I had no desire to learn as a child. Please don't teach me, I will just get frustrated. 

17) I am a stomach sleeper, the minute I lay on my stomach...I'm out. Oh, and I will steal all of the blankets and make the whole bed mine. 

18) When I get up in the morning I cannot get out of bed until the time ends in an even number, a 5 or a 7.

19) 5 and 7 are my lucky numbers.

20) I am not an adventurous eater at all. I order the same thing each time I go to a restaurant depending on what restaurant it is. 

21) I am apart of the best sorority in the world. Kappa Tau Beta. It's not a real sorority but it is. My best friend, Sara and I created it during our 22 hour drive to Disney World while we were driving through Atlanta, GA. Our two other best friends, Krista and Bobbie joined shortly after. We don't rush. The sisterhood is real, supportive and one of the best group of girlfriends to have. 

22) I love Disney. Disney World. And all things Disney.

23) I learn better when I can do it myself. I can read and listen to what I have to do but until I can physically touch and figure it out myself I won't learn it as well. 

24) I am horrible at math. Please don't ask me math related questions.

25) As a kid, I was allergic to Eggs. I outgrew the allergy but to this day the only way I can eat eggs is if they are disguised in something. 

So there are my 25 things, this was actually easier than I thought it would be. I have so much more that I wanted to share but I will save that for another time and another post! What are your 25 things? Everyone has a story, that's what I love about meeting new people! I would love to hear some of yours in the comment section below!


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Where Have I Been?

Great question.

Short Answer- Figuring out this post grad life with a few trips, a few birthdays (one including mine), a new beginning for my sister and brother in law, and a realization that I am in control of my life now. A life that no longer includes textbooks, finals or managing my time between school, work, and social life.

Long Answer-

Let me start off by apologizing for my absence. I started this blog for a college assignment. I am now graduated from college (crazy to think I'm actually a college graduate) yet I still find myself attached to this blog. I took some time away from blogging because it was becoming a chore for me. I didn't like that feeling. The feeling that I HAD to post something. When I was in classes I had to come up with a content calendar and follow it, I loved the planning and execution of it. But then I thought, I'm not in school anymore so I need some time to not follow a calendar and just step back.

I'm glad I did that because now I can really devote the time and make this the little blog that could.

I did it mostly for me. I want this to be a place where I can post about the things I am passionate about. A place where I can go to talk and create conversation. Some things I posted about before will make its way onto here, but there will also be some newness. I may not post daily or weekly, I'm working up to the idea of posting again and how frequently. I want to do what feels right for me.

I thought about switching platforms, going from Blogger to WordPress. I still may do that, I don't really know.

This summer has been a good one, i'll be honest I didn't get as much time in the sun as I had wanted. But that's understandable as a recent college graduate who is trying to figure out life after college. Which by the way i'm still waiting for my textbook of life to come in the mail to tell me what to do next and where to go...but I hear those don't exist and you need to create your own.

During my blog break and working... I celebrated my sisters birthday with a day trip to the Grove City Outlets in Pennsylvania, My Uncle and cousin coming in from Ohio for a week, a trip to Windmill Point Park in Fort Erie, CA with girlfriends, a full day by my friends pool, My 22nd birthday, My dogs 5th birthday, Going to Washington, DC with girlfriends for 4 days, going to Beaver Island beach, a day at the fair, my stepfathers birthday and recently moving my sister and brother in law into their new forever home. I feel like I have missed something, I possibly could have. I apologize if I have, it will come to me...

Bottom line, I'm thankful for this little blog and am excited for what's to come! I promise not to be a stranger anymore. The world is mine to conquer and I'm bringing you all along on the ride! Buckle up.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Eve of Commencement

I've been thinking about how I would form my words and if I should even post for about a week now. The fact is, I can't believe I'm actually about to type what I am and tomorrow, experience what I will.

Tomorrow I graduate from college. I have earned a Bachelor's of Fine Arts in Fashion Merchandising. Tomorrow I will be getting a diploma with my name on it. It's something that no one can ever take away from me. My education. Mine, all mine.

I am a planner, I am the person who plans everything. I am the person who probably more than others looks forward to the night before a big event as much as the event. Tonight, is my night as much as tomorrow will be my day.

The night before big life events is something I really enjoy. It's a time to reflect, a time to plan, a time to be proud and a time to look at whats ahead and get excited. It's also a time to be nervous, scared and worried, but I have found that those feelings and thoughts are quickly getting trumped by my excitement for what tomorrow holds for me.

Because, this time tomorrow I will have a college degree. In a major that I love, that I have passion for and excites me everyday. I will have an education. I am a woman, with a college education. Many many years ago, that was unheard of, but I am proud to say that I have a college education.

It hasn't always been the easiest of roads that I have chosen but it has been the most rewarding. Sometimes it really sucked, sometimes I wanted to give up, sometimes I chose things over my coursework, sometimes I played hooky to catch up on shows with my best friend instead of attending lecture. But more times than I thought have I  found myself captivated by what I was learning. To be able to then apply it to my work life and everyday life. Tomorrow I will be a graduate.

There will be many things that I will miss about the last four years. Too many to name, to be completely honest. But there are more things that I am looking forward to... In my four years as an undergraduate I have learned more than I ever could have imagined about myself, about life, and mainly my career path. Some of the things I expected to learn, some I fought against, and some I didn't know I was even learning them until a situation presented itself where I needed to apply my knowledge. Some I still have yet to learn, because I believe we truly never stop learning.

I'm not sure who originally said this or where it even came from, but I have heard that education is what sets you apart from the rest, that knowledge is power. I believe this, right down to my core, do I believe this. We are all human, we were all made the same way, we all entered the world the same way, but what we did with our lives sets us apart from one another. Now I'm not saying I'm better than anyone, because I'm not, no one is better than anyone, but I have something that only a few have, its something to be proud of. Tomorrow I will be a graduate.

As the clock keeps ticking closer to my time, my time to shine...I find myself wrapping up on my reflections. I'm finding myself filled with emotions all of the positive emotions. I am so proud of myself. Tomorrow I will be a graduate.

I want to give a huge thanks to some of my closest supporters:

My Mom, Judy and Step Dad, Tim for pushing me everyday to go to school and showing me how important education is, for supporting me, for pushing me to be the best version of myself, and offering me advice on everything whether I have asked for it or not, and for putting me through college. Mom, I want to say thank you for EVERYTHING, but for also letting me cut up, paint, draw and complete all my projects on the kitchen table, when I can I will buy you a new table, I promise. Thank you for being the best parents, I hope I have made you proud.

I want to thank my sister, Jackie for her support and for pushing me making me look at the big picture, for always offering a hand when I need her for life or school, and for being the best big sister I could have asked for. I hope I have made you proud.

I want to thank the love of my life, Daniel. For teaching me about life and supporting me through all of it, for patiently sitting beside me as I have completed coursework instead of doing other things because I left something until last minute, some nights you literally watched paint dry but you were always a comedic relief and my support system. Thank you for being the best boyfriend. I hope I have made you proud.

I want to thank my brother in law, Mike for always being honest about how the work world truly works, for giving me advice when I ask and for being the brother I never had. Thank you for it all, I hope I have made you proud.

I want to thank my grammy, Gloria for being my support system, for letting me know how important education is and when I failed my accounting course and had to take it over 3 times (that class is no joke. study people!) you were the first to quickly come to my rescue and offered to be my personal tutor. I thank you for all of it. I hope I have made you proud.

Last but not least, I want to thank my friends. You all know who you are, you are all very important to me. I want to thank you for your endless support, in life and with school. Thank you for the moments we have shared, the trips we have gone on, the secrets we have shared, the venting sessions that may happen planned or unplanned, the much needed happy hours, cram sessions and skipping class dates. I want to thank you for allowing me to grow and standing beside me as I go through this journey, we have all gone through it together. I hope I have made you proud.

To the graduating class of 2014:

We did it! We actually did it. The stress, the cram sessions, the laughter, the projects and assignments have brought us to this day. Our day. Today, we are graduates. We are the class of 2014. For some the road was bumpy, for others it was smooth. However our journey was we all get the privilege to say, "I belong to the class of 2014, I am a college graduate". The next chapter of our lives is about to begin. Some of us have things lined up, some may not. But it's life. It's our life. We have earned this life. We are graduates. Although one chapter is closing and another is opening it is one of the best chapters to begin, because we have the rest of our life to be shining, to be amazing, to show why we are the class of 2014. We are superstars. We are smart. WE ARE THE CLASS OF 2014!!!!

Congratulations to all the graduates of 2014.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to the best Mother out there, my mama bear. Thank you for being my support system, my best friend, my advice line, my partner in crime, my shopping buddy and for just being you. 

I am so proud to call you Mom. Thank you for teaching me all that you have. Here are a few of my favorite life lessons you have taught me, shown me or told me over and over until I got it. 

1) Thank you for showing me that if you work for something you really want it will pay off. It has taught me to not give up.

2)Thank you for always being the parent that was and still always is there. Even when you got sick. It has taught me about loyalty and love.

3) Thank you for being a full time working 3rd grade teacher. It has taught me that as a woman you can do it all and still help others. We run this world! 

4) Thank you for telling me to keep the flame down low when I cook. It has taught me to be cautious and aware. 

5) Thank you for always pushing me and believing in me. It has taught me to believe in myself. 

6) Thank you for being a patient, kind, accepting, understanding and a loving person. It has taught me to be that same kind of person.

7) Thank you for teaching me to not overload the washing machine. It has shown me that if you push something too hard that doesn't want to be pushed it won't work out in the end the way you imagined. 

8)Thank you for explaining and showing to me how important it is to plan and be on time. It has made me a more organized person. Even though my bedroom is NEVER organized.

9) Thank you for making me believe there really is no stupid question and if I ever need to tell anything to anyone, it's always you first. It has taught me that asking and confiding in people will get you far. 

10)Thank you for the constant love and support. I love you so much.

11) Thank you for being you. 

Of course there are other things that you have taught me and will always continue to teach me. Thank you thank you thank you. I love you so very much, Mama Bear.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A wooden box with no home

Before I get into the bulk of this post I just wanted to say stay safe and warm everyone in Buffalo,NY today. Don't travel if you don't have to! I can actually believe I am typing this sentence, which is sad, but I can't believe I am actually seeing this happen...To say this winter has been bad is an understatement. Today we got issued a blizzard warning until 2am Thursday. This is the second blizzard warning we got this winter. We are expected to have storm totals of 16". Craziness. Yesterday it was a high of 48° today, we have a march blizzard. Cool. 

So one of our local craft stores in the area is closing, which means crazy close out discounts. Right now they are running 40% off everything and they will eventually get to 90% off. This little wooden box caught my eye as I was running around the store grabbing as much as I could. 

How charming and precious is this little box that could? This was very unlike me to buy something that I had no end use for within crafting. But you know what? I'm so glad I grabbed this, and for only $2.99 if it didn't work out its not like I broke the bank.
For this project is was thinking a tri tone with a nice beefy stain on where the cut outs are to showcase the beautiful craftsmen ship.
I've used these stains once before, and I'm kind of obsessed. They are just as small as a normal acrylic craft paint bottle and they go on very easy and they don't smell as much as normal stains. I started first by doing the staining.
I decided the oak stain was getting lost with what I envisioned so I took the walnut stain and applied it over my oak stain, the result was actually exactly what I was looking for.
Then I just started to paint a lighter grey around the top edge and a darker moody grey on the bottom half.
The inside of the box I wanted a pop of color, but before I could do that I had to apply the stain to the inside cutout panel. 
With all staining you want to make sure you are removing excess stain and to stain with the grain. 
I just painted the insides and the lips of the wood pieces the same colors as the outside and the I chose my pop color, a lilac.
Four coats later, that's right four coats! The wood they used to make this was very absorbent. But once it was painted I really really liked it.
Once it was dried, it need a home. Currently it's been living on a small shelf in my bedroom, but I have a feeling it will be moving around my home a bit before it finds it's perminant home. 
It's actually not too bad there. It's been on this shelf now for about two weeks so I'm definitely living with it a bit before I move it. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Aqua Lent Challenge

Oh man do I chuckle at these someecards. Sometimes I find myself looking at them for hours and laughing out myself. GUITLY! I haven't found one yet that wasn't funny. But this one is kind of true. 

Every year we are, I don't want to say expected but well expected, to give something up for Lent. 40 days. Doesn't seem too bad, until it's day 2 and you realized how much of a whimp you are and you're sneaking what ever you gave up back into your routine. *raises hand because I gave up 1hr into it*. 

Every year I give something up. Every year I make it one more day longer than I did last year. Not this year. This year I'm going to really try to make it the full length of Lent and I challenge you all to do the same! 

I don't like to post about religion or my
beliefs because that's not what I'm here to do. But it's only fitting that this gets some blog time. We all know that one person who tries to push their beliefs onto others and make everyone guilty when they think otherwise. That's not me at all. But I am asking you to join in this challenge with me! 

What's the challenge you ask?? I'm calling it the Aqua Lent Challenge! 
Doctors and research shows we should be drinking 8 glasses of water a day. To me that's crazy. I don't even like water. It tastes dirty to me. I've tried all waters and all different ways for me to like it, it doesn't happen. So I don't even drink it....I'll wait while you make some crazy remark, I've heard them all....done? Ok, good. Continuing on...

So this is a little crazy but I'm challenging myself and anyone who wants to join on a 40 day water challenge. For Lent I will be giving up any drinks I normally drink on a day to day basis and putting water in it's place. But there are some let's say rules that I and anyone who wants to join should follow. (See how I said should and not has to, you can alter this for your lifestyle or your own liking).

Rules of this challenge:
- You are allowed one cup of caffeine a day (this way no one will get a headache from no caffeine, you'll thank me for letting me keep your coffee) 
- You are allowed to designate one day during the week where you are able to "cheat" and go back to your old drinking habits. This day you can choose on your own to whatever fits your lifestyle, I still have to decide on mine. I hope by giving a "cheat" day this challenge will be easier to follow through with. 
- You cannot get "creative" and tell me you have water in your ice tea mix. Been there, tried that, drank it while you weren't looking. You may however, add any natural sweeteners like fruit, veggies, raw sugar, etc to your water. 
- You must make sure water is the main drink you are drinking throughout the day.
- You must start tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, March 5th and end on Easter Sunday. 
- If you are joining this challenge with me keep me posted! I would love to see how you're doing with it! 

Here's to hoping I make it the full week! You think I'm joking but I'm not. In all seriousness, I think this will be a healthy, helpful and interesting challenge! 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Just call me the Wreath Whisperer

Wowzers! It's been way too long since I've posted something for you fine folks. A month to be exact! Lots have happened in those 4 weeks. Of course there has been crafting, have you met me?! But I also went to Las Vegas MAGIC market week, which is a 3 day trade show held for the fashion industry that buyers and vendors attend to and I got the great opportunity to attend this year! I may post about that but if I do be prepared for tons of pictures and me yapping away! It was such a great opportunity I still can't believe I was able to go!!! I also caught the flu when I returned to buffalo from my trip and the a head cold right after that. I couldn't catch a break! I'm finally feeling back to myself. You don't know how grateful you are to be able to breathe out of both of your nostrils until it's taken away from you overnight. Seriously, try to eat something with your mouth closed like your mother taught you and you can't breathe in either of your's not fun or a cute picture.

Enough of my life recapping! Let's get to that post I've promised you. Now that you all probably have 50+ felt rosettes made during the time I was gone lets put them on something shall we?

This wreath was made for valentines day, but you know what...everyday is valentines day so it's okay that it's now march and I am just posting now about the day of love...
Surprisingly since this is now my 3rd wreath that I have made I didn't have any of the supplies on hand to decorate the wreath. So I just went to Joann's (a local craft and fabric store) to pick up the wreath mold, the yarn, the LOVE wooden sign and felt. With the use of a 40% off coupon (they always have them, get the app you won't be disappointed, and they take competitor coupons too!) this project came in at about $10. Music to my college student ears!

I just started to wrap the wreath with the grey yarn like I have in the past for other wreaths. You can see a better step by step tutorial here. This took me a little longer since it is a shape I'm not use to wrapping.

Once the wreath was wrapped completely with the yarn I started to make the felt rosettes (which you all know how to make since I have given you plenty of practice time!!) here is a better tutorial for some of you folks who have no idea what I'm talking about...

After I made a good amount of the rosettes, I made a bit more than I used and made some smaller or bigger depending on how I cut the felt out. I then moved onto painting the LOVE sign a nice red and hot glueing that to my wreath. I glued it on an angle, which my photo skills here are not up to par but trust me its on an angle.

Then I just glued the rosettes in smaller clusters towards the end of my heart wreath...

I had so many left I decided to add some to the very top of the wreath. I'm really glad I did this because without it it would be one undecorated heart. More roses are always a good thing, am I right or am I right ladies ;)

Thankfully at work we just happened to do a massive prop purge the week I made this wreath and this burlap ribbon that I took home with me was the perfect addition to this little project. So introducing the free yet appropriate burlap ribbon. I hot glued the ribbon to the back of wreath this time and have found I like this way a lot better than what I've been doing previously. When in doubt, hot glue it.

Three hours later I found myself the owner of a nice new lovely wreath! I still have it hanging up in my kitchen, at this rate I may as well keep it up until next Valentine's day...
Have you ever found yourself making the same crafts over and over because you just simply love them? Or found yourself surprised how fast life can go by and you realized you've left your readers hanging? (sorry again, I love you all!!) Here's to many more crafts and better scheduled posts!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Simple Rosettes

I am one of those people who go on Pinterest, pin something and then either one of two things comes out of my mouth:
Option one "wow, this is amazing I'm going to do this, save this for later and it will look/taste exactly like what I pinned" (which is said about 95% of the time but I end up forgetting I pinned it! never get around to it or the pinned item doesn't end up like how it's suppose to when I try)
Option two " lets pin this and try to find an easier way and just use this as a guideline" This is what happens 100% of the time. If I can find an easier way to do something, a cheaper way or a way to use it as inspiration and create my own thing in the end, I'm all in. 

So option two it is. I have seen these fabric or felt roses around Pinterest all the time. I have read tutorials, I have watched YouTube videos. My roses never looked like anything anyone should be proud of or put their name on. I'm a very creative person, so it annoyed me to no end that I couldn't get the cutest detail in all of crafting to work. That is until the night I just did my own thing...

Isn't it just the cutest thing you have ever seen????! You better be shaking your head, smiling or clapping while saying "Yes". If not, don't worry I'll say it for you. I am still so proud I figured this out. It's not the best rose but you know what, it's cute, it looks like an actual flower and I did it using two tools anyone who doesn't craft has in their house. Now tell me you're not excited to find out how I did this!

I'm a very visual person but I also welcome the fact of directions as a crutch. Just in case something doesn't go right, or my phone dies (because let's be honest that thing is always on my person and where I google) I can rely on written directions.

1) To create the roses, you will need a piece of felt, a pair of scissors (tool #1) and masking or painters tape (not pictured, tool#2)

2) with your scissors, cut the desired amount of fabric you want, however big you want your flower just make sure you cut a square or rectangle. But don't cut the square or rectangle as big as you want the flower, if that makes sense. You will have to cut it and twirl it so you'll want to accommodate for that.

3) This is your fabric you will be working with before you "mold" it

4) Start at one end and in a circular motion cut in a swirl-ish direction. That's totally a word, ok probably not but let's pretend! Think Apple peels, or porkie pigs Q tail, or a spiral.

5) Your felt should now look like this or something similar once you are done cutting

6) With your scissors you want to create the "pedals", to do this you just cut scalloped edges into the swirled cut felt. The bigger and wider the scallops the bigger and wider your pedals. 

6a) Not pictured because I needed both hands, sorry. Take the smallest end of your swirled felt and fold it into itself, this creates the bud of the rose, then just wrap the rest of the fabric around the bud, it should start to look like a flower, make sure the bottom of the rose is flat. When all the fabric is wrapped, just take a small piece of tape and tape the end to the side to keep it together. You can also hot glue it closed as well. UPDATE: I have had my roses taped now and hung somewhere for over a week and they are holding up just fine and haven't unraveled. 

7) you just made your first rose! Keep going at it!! 

These roses are a sneak peek for a post coming later this week! Stay tuned!

Lovely lil sign

One night my sister! Jackie, and I went crazy with the crafts. Over two nights we each did three crafts. We're talking more than an hour crafts, that's serious craft time. I loved every minute of it and what came of it.

Spending time with my sister is one of my favorite things to do but crafting while doing it is a double bonus. Now that it's finally close to valentines is it only in eleven days?! I can finally share with you some of the crafts we did.

I love love. I also love cute inexpensive DIY crafts. And I love to paint. I love that this little sign is all that and more. It has so much potential in this world. Can't you see it on a bookshelf? Or a desk? Or a mantel? Or shelf in the living room? On the living room end table...seriously stop me I'll name every surface for this lovely sign to rest.

Isn't it just so adorable? I found it at Joann's on an end cap and it was marked down from $5.99 to $4.99 then 50% off? WHAT WHAT! Cue Cupid coming in on his wings, I was in L-O-V-E.

It didn't always start off this charming...
It's a very thin wood material, like most of the wooden crafts at Joann's and Michaels, but I didn't care. I didn't have a plan for this little nicknack, which is very unlike me. I decided to just paint it all white with acrylic paint and a craft brush in hopes that a crisp white surface would give me an idea.
From there I had it! I was going to paint the LOVE portion red and use the crackle medium acrylic paint over it. I apologize for not taking a picture of this step, I was just so excited. All you do to create the crackle effect is paint the surface your color you want your cracks to be, then after that dried you paint the crackle paint over top. This paint is very soupy and almost looks like snot, you think I'm kidding but I'm not it's the best comparison I could make. Wherever you paint the crackle paint is where it will crackle. You let that dry, then paint over everything your final color, once that dries the cracks will form and you will have a rustic crackling sign. It took about an hour for the crackle paint to dry before you could put the final paint layer on.

Then, once it was all done, I left the base white, I decided it needed something. So I turned to washi tape. This is a recent obsession of mine. There are so many cute patterns and you can get a roll for under $2 and it will last you for a long time. Trust me, I did a whole Disney scrapbook with a roll and still have some left. 

Again, I didn't take a picture of this step, sorry! Eek! But I chose the red hearts, I just laid the pieces of tape down onto the base to cover it and clipped around the edges so it was all the same length.
And now it lives on my end table! I love easy crafts like this, and seasonal crafts!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Grammys

Oh the Grammys. It's the one night in award show season when anything can happen on the red carpet. I mean one year Lady Gaga arrived in an egg! I do remember the one year they had to update the dress code or apply one because so many stars we're crossing the line.

But this year, is it just me or was I the only one unimpressed with what the stars were wearing. Nothing really caught my eye and made me go "wowzers". That is until Queen Beyoncé arrived...I mean am I right?

You cannot tell me she doesn't look elegant, stunning and sexy in this gown. As for the rest of the red carpet looks, it was interesting. Yes, interesting. We will go with that...

White was all over the carpet. It's really starting to prevail and became acceptable and I'm loving it as long as you can work it, and they all do.

Then we have the women wearing suits. I'm probably going to get a lot of scowls for this, but I just don't get it. I understand a great business suit or a perfectly tailored blazer on a women's body but this is award season. A perfectly structured tailored gown can do the same thing.

Ah, color! Isn't it so refreshing and stunning?

And the couples and groups didn't stop at looking ordinary or blending it. Each artists looks make so much sense as to who they are as an artist, actually everyone this night did. 

I've decided to start and end this blog post with the looks that had me the moment the artists stepped on the carpet. Miss Ariana Grande and Kelly Osborne, good job. Beyoncé, you go girl, you do run this world.