Oh man do I chuckle at these someecards. Sometimes I find myself looking at them for hours and laughing out loud...by myself. GUITLY! I haven't found one yet that wasn't funny. But this one is kind of true.
Every year we are, I don't want to say expected but well expected, to give something up for Lent. 40 days. Doesn't seem too bad, until it's day 2 and you realized how much of a whimp you are and you're sneaking what ever you gave up back into your routine. *raises hand because I gave up 1hr into it*.
Every year I give something up. Every year I make it one more day longer than I did last year. Not this year. This year I'm going to really try to make it the full length of Lent and I challenge you all to do the same!
I don't like to post about religion or my
beliefs because that's not what I'm here to do. But it's only fitting that this gets some blog time. We all know that one person who tries to push their beliefs onto others and make everyone guilty when they think otherwise. That's not me at all. But I am asking you to join in this challenge with me!
What's the challenge you ask?? I'm calling it the Aqua Lent Challenge!
Doctors and research shows we should be drinking 8 glasses of water a day. To me that's crazy. I don't even like water. It tastes dirty to me. I've tried all waters and all different ways for me to like it, it doesn't happen. So I don't even drink it....I'll wait while you make some crazy remark, I've heard them all....done? Ok, good. Continuing on...
So this is a little crazy but I'm challenging myself and anyone who wants to join on a 40 day water challenge. For Lent I will be giving up any drinks I normally drink on a day to day basis and putting water in it's place. But there are some let's say rules that I and anyone who wants to join should follow. (See how I said should and not has to, you can alter this for your lifestyle or your own liking).
Rules of this challenge:
- You are allowed one cup of caffeine a day (this way no one will get a headache from no caffeine, you'll thank me for letting me keep your coffee)
- You are allowed to designate one day during the week where you are able to "cheat" and go back to your old drinking habits. This day you can choose on your own to whatever fits your lifestyle, I still have to decide on mine. I hope by giving a "cheat" day this challenge will be easier to follow through with.
- You cannot get "creative" and tell me you have water in your ice tea mix. Been there, tried that, drank it while you weren't looking. You may however, add any natural sweeteners like fruit, veggies, raw sugar, etc to your water.
- You must make sure water is the main drink you are drinking throughout the day.
- You must start tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, March 5th and end on Easter Sunday.
- If you are joining this challenge with me keep me posted! I would love to see how you're doing with it!
Here's to hoping I make it the full week! You think I'm joking but I'm not. In all seriousness, I think this will be a healthy, helpful and interesting challenge!
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