...New Years Resolutions....
Raise your hand if you make them and then by March, sadly you have either forgotten what you resolved to do or just simply didn't have time to follow it through. Raise your hand if you resolve to do the cliche "Get healthier, Eat Better and Work out". Raise your hand if you have resolved to not make a resolution and wished you had.
I've had my hand up, and I know you did too.
This year is going to be different. I'm really looking forward to 2014. I have a feeling this will be the year of change and growth, for the good. This year is going to change my life, I will be graduating with a BFA in a short five months (Eeek!) and will finally be in the "real world". It's crazy to think about.
In years past I've made new years resolutions that I wasn't passionate about, but not this year. I will be making small resolutions that I can actually accomplish. Because let's be honest here, saying you will do a detox every month and go to the gym three times a week...it gets old once you taste that first sip of tasteless liquid while you look like you just ran a marathon but really all you did was do a push up.
The gym is just not for me, it's a lifestyle that one day I will probably pursue, but in the mean time...I'm good.
So here is what I resolve to do this year:
1. Learn How to Crochet
I have heard from many friends and acquaintences that it's a personal preference, if crotchet or knitting is easier than the other. I have knitted in the past, and found I didn't stick with it. So, I want to learn how to crochet. I'm going big on this one, I'm not looking to make a scarf here. A friend of mine has a gorgeous and I mean gorgeous hand crocheted blanket. I love a good blanket. Here are some inspiration photos of what I'm thinking...I'm really leaning towards a grey color palette with hints of black and a pop of color like pink or magenta. That way this blanket can live anywhere since it's so neutral.
2. Unplug
I will be the first to admit that my phone is always on my person, and 95% of the time I'm on it. If i'm not on my phone, I'm on my other devices. I am a very creative person and have found myself lately saying "I wish I could just sit and do this and not have a distraction". Hello!! Once a month I'm going to unplug from everything for the whole day and do something I would probably not get around to because life gets in the way. I may craft, continue to crotchet my blanket, paint, get to that pile of laundry, who knows really! I think it's going to be hard but well worth it.
3. Learn more recipes to bake and cook
I love to bake, it relaxes me. That may sound odd, but after a long day I would rather bake some sweets. Cooking panics me, like near panic attack. I like to know how much of an ingredient I need to put in, just throwing in whatever and not measuring, lord help me. I'm going to try to cook more, and bake more. I want to save up some money and maybe for my birthday buy myself a kitchen aid mixer. I was gifted a crock pot for christmas and I couldn't be more excited. I'm searching for recipes!
Can't wait to check in a few months down the line to see how I'm doing on these. Of course I'll be keeping the blog as well and updating, growing, learning and sharing this whole experience. So what about you? What are your resolutions?